BBL PhotoFacial

BBL PhotoFacial is a corrective phototherapy treatment that helps get rid of common skin imperfections

BBL PhotoFacial

Sciton Broad Band Light (BBL). PhotoFacial New York.

A clear, radiant complexion is something you might want. But even with the most meticulous skincare regimen, blemish-free skin can be difficult to achieve. Photofacial (also known as PhotoRejuvenation or skin rejuvenation ) helps to reduce the appearance of some of the most common skin imperfections. Brown spots, broken capillaries, dull and uneven skin can be effectively treated. This minimally invasive procedure reduces signs of skin aging such as wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots. Photofacial stimulates collagen production and improves overall skin quality and skin health.

Sciton Broad Band Light (BBL) brings a new approach to phototherapy (or PhotoRejuvenation). It’s the most effective light-based procedure and is considered to be superior to well-known IPL (Intense Pulse Light) treatment. Sciton BBL is an excellent choice for skin rejuvenation, vascular, and pigmented skin lesions removal.

There’s very little to none recovery time and a few side effects, making it a popular procedure.

If you are routinely frustrated by any of the skin problems below, then photofacial can be your choice:

  1. Rosacea
  2. Brown spots
  3. Wrinkles and fine lines
  4. Uneven skin texture and color
  5. Large, visible pores
  1. Melasma
  2. Excessive flushing
  3. Freckles
  4. Aging, thinning, and sagging skin
  5. Broken capillaries

If you are in good general health, have a positive attitude and realistic expectations, you are most likely a good candidate for this procedure.

Considering a treatment and are interested in learning more about Sciton BBL photofacial in Manhattan, NY? Please, schedule a free consultation by calling us at Revitta: 212-535-1201 or click here to contact us